Taiga Cordillera

About the Taiga Cordillera
About the Taiga Cordillera
Animals and Natural Vegetation
Human Activities

The red in the picture shows the location of the Taiga Cordillera

The Taiga Cordillera is situated mainly along the border of the Yukon and Northwest Territories.


The Taiga Cordillera contains the northernmost of the Rocky Mountains, as well as some of its highest waterfalls, deepest canyons and wildest rivers. The mountains block most of the precipitation, which averages about 250 to 300mm per year. Its northerly position gives it cold winters with very short days and short cool summers . The average temperature there is about -22ºC in the winter and 8ºC in the summer. The snow lasts on the ground for six to eight months of the year.


Most of this ecozone is covered with steep mountains and narrow valleys. Even though the north contains the tundra, the northwest contains wetlands and rolling hills.

Created by Aanchal Mogla